About the Lab
The Woods lab looks at factors that influence student success in academic settings. Particularly, the Woods lab is interested in high impact practices that lead to increased success for all students as well as increasing representation of under resourced students in STEM fields, including use of active learning techniques in STEM classes, role and importance of mentoring to student success, and K-12 students changing identity as scientists.
Dr. Woods is an Associate teaching professor at UCSB whose primary focus is teaching, and in this role does not currently supervise graduate students. Dr. Woods’ ACCESS lab uses undergraduate research assistants to run all of the lab projects. Generally the Woods lab has undergraduate students gaining research experiences that start in the Summer/Fall and those students help out in the lab all year. It is highly recommended that you can work independently and have a passion for the type of research conducted in the ACCESS lab, and that you are prepared to commit to the whole year as an RA. If you are interested in working in the laboratory please email Dr. Woods at vewoods@ucsb.edu to inquire about an opportunity to be a research assistant (attach a CV please).

ACCESS Lab Spotlight
Alumnus Zandile Makatini was awarded the Psi Chi Research Award at the 2023 Western Psychological Association Conference. We're proud of you Zandi!